Friday, January 10, 2020

To the stock exchange!

On January 9th our group visited HKEX, a large stock trading entity which traded in basic commodities and metals. The company has been around for nearly two hundred years. The building was beautiful, and they seated our group in a long conference room straight out of a bond film. Our hosts provided warm water to all of us. They gave a brief introduction to hkex, and then played an informational video about the company and its history. After the video was complete they brought us to the former trading floor which has been renovated into a museum surrounding the company. They had the old computers used on the trading floor, as well as old vests which were worn by each of the traders.
 Above I am standing next to "The Gong" which is struck by the head of each company to begin trading of their stock on the market at 9:30am. In all their promotional videos this gong was shown to be used by many executives for press events. (Stonks is a meme for any of those unaware 👌)
Above is the wall of money, this wall has historic significance as it shows the progression of currency on the market through the years. 

Stock trading has changed significantly through the years. It has morphed from a madhouse frenzy, into a computerised battleground in which artificial intelligence through computing is key in order to make nanosecond decisions to choose whether or not a deal may be a good one. Overall the stock market was a fantastic visit in which we were treated excellently. For any of those travelling to Hong Kong I would highly recommend stopping by the historical museum. there was even a station where you can try lift 6.8 million Hong Kong dollars in gold bars!

~Rylan Jones

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